
Installing the CommandAPI is easy! Just download the latest CommandAPI.jar file using the button below and place it in your server's plugins folder!

Download latest CommandAPI.jar

Additional dependencies

  • If you use NBT data, you'll also need the NBT API. (you can find out from your developers if you need this or not)
  • If you are using raw JSON chat data, you'll need to be running Spigot or another spigot-related server such as Paper Spigot or Taco Spigot. (Again, you can find out from your developers if you need this or not)

Configuring the CommandAPI

The CommandAPI can be configured in the plugins/CommandAPI/config.yml file.

The default config.yml settings are as follows:

verbose-outputs: true
create-dispatcher-json: false
  • verbose-outputs - Outputs command registration and unregistration logs in the console
  • create-dispatcher-json - Creates a command_registration.json file showing the mapping of registered commands