Registering annotation-based commands

Registering annotation-based commands is really simple. To do this, we use the following method, where className is the name of a class with a @Command annotation:


Example: Registering a Warp command

Say we have a simple command /warp that is defined as follows:

public class WarpCommand {
	// List of warp names and their locations
	static Map<String, Location> warps = new HashMap<>();
	public static void warp(CommandSender sender) {
		sender.sendMessage("--- Warp help ---");
		sender.sendMessage("/warp - Show this help");
		sender.sendMessage("/warp <warp> - Teleport to <warp>");
		sender.sendMessage("/warp create <warpname> - Creates a warp at your current location");
	public static void warp(Player player, @AStringArgument String warpName) {
	public static void createWarp(Player player, @AStringArgument String warpName) {
		warps.put(warpName, player.getLocation());
		new IntegerArgument("");

We can register this in our onLoad() method so we can use this command from within Minecraft functions:

class MyPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
	public void onLoad() {