Upgrading guide

From version 5.x to 6.0.0

Developer's Note

In 6.0.0, I've deprecated a number of methods which are no longer recommended for use. These methods will be removed in 7.0.0. The primary reason for this change is that these methods were not designed to be extensible and ended up causing much more issues than they solved.


The overrideSuggestions and overrideSuggestionsT methods are now deprecated. Instead, this has been replaced with the much more powerful replaceSuggestions and replaceSuggestionsT methods. Instead of using sender or (sender, args) to get the sender and the previously declared arguments, you should use the SuggestionsInfo class with the sender() or previousArgs() methods:

new CommandAPICommand("mycommand")
    .withArguments(new StringArgument("myargument").overrideSuggestions(sender -> {
        return new String[] { "hello", "world", sender.getName() };
    .executes((sender, args) -> {
        // etc.


new CommandAPICommand("mycommand")
    .withArguments(new StringArgument("myargument").replaceSuggestions(info -> {
        return new String[] { "hello", "world", info.sender().getName() };
    .executes((sender, args) -> {
        // etc.

Safe suggestions have also been renamed from safeOverrideSuggestions and safeOverrideSuggestionsT to replaceWithSafeSuggestions and replaceWithSafeSuggestionsT

Loading the CommandAPI (With shading)

Before, to initialize the CommandAPI when shading it into your plugin, you would use CommandAPI.onLoad(boolean verbose), which is now deprecated. Instead, you should use the CommandAPIConfig variant, with a suitable CommandAPIConfig instance:



CommandAPI.onLoad(new CommandAPIConfig().verboseOutput(true));

From version 4.x to 5.0

Argument registration

LinkedHashMap is no longer used for argument registration. Instead, use a List, and put the argument's "prompt" as the first parameter in the argument's constructor. For example:

LinkedHashMap<String, Argument> arguments = new LinkedHashMap<>();
arguments.put("target", new PlayerArgument())
arguments.put("location", new LocationArgument(LocationType.BLOCK_POSITION));

new CommandAPICommand("teleport")
    .executes((sender, args) -> {
        //Teleport <target> to <location>


List<Argument> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
arguments.add(new PlayerArgument("target"));
arguments.add(new LocationArgument("location", LocationType.BLOCK_POSITION));

new CommandAPICommand("teleport")
    .executes((sender, args) -> {
        //Teleport <target> to <location>

Alternatively, you can declare them directly in the command's declaration so you don't have to construct a list:

new CommandAPICommand("teleport")
    .withArguments(new PlayerArgument("target"))
    .withArguments(new LocationArgument("location", LocationType.BLOCK_POSITION))
    .executes((sender, args) -> {
        //Teleport <target> to <location>

Alternatively, you can declare it in one line:

new CommandAPICommand("teleport")
    .withArguments(new PlayerArgument("target"), new LocationArgument("location", LocationType.BLOCK_POSITION))
    .executes((sender, args) -> {
        //Teleport <target> to <location>

Method changes

Some of the Brigadier methods were changed:

LiteralCommandNode registerNewLiteral(String name);
RequiredArgumentBuilder argBuildOf(LinkedHashMap<String, Argument> args, String value);
RequiredArgumentBuilder argBuildOf(String prompt, Argument argument);


LiteralArgumentBuilder fromLiteralArgument(LiteralArgument literalArgument);
RequiredArgumentBuilder fromArgument(List<Argument> args, String nodeName);
RequiredArgumentBuilder fromArgument(Argument argument);

In particular, the fromLiteralArgument now takes in a LiteralArgument and returns a LiteralArgumentBuilder. To convert from a LiteralArgumentBuilder to the LiteralCommandNode, you can run the .build() method.

From version 3.x to 4.0

The maven repository url has changed:

Instead of being:


You must now use:


This information can be viewed in section 3. Setting up your development environment. (Don't worry if you forget, it should work as normal nonetheless!)

From version 2.3 to 3.0

The CommandAPI's upgrade from version 2.3 to 3.0 is very intense and various refactoring operations took place, which means that plugins that implement the CommandAPI version 2.3 or will not to work with the CommandAPI version 3.0. This page outlines the few major changes and points you to the various pages in the documentation that covers how to use version 3.0.

Imports & Renaming

The default package name has been changed. Instead of being registered under the io.github.jorelali package, the CommandAPI has been moved to the dev.jorel package:


To organise classes with other classes of similar functions, new packages have been introduced. These can be fully explored using the new JavaDocs

Removed classes & Alternatives

To reduce redundancies, the CommandAPI removed a few classes:

Removed classAlternative
SuggestedStringArgumentUse .overrideSuggestions(String[]) for the relevant argument, as described here
DefinedCustomArguments for ObjectivesUse ObjectiveArgument
DefinedCustomArguments for TeamsUse TeamArgument

Command registration

The way that commands are registered has been completely changed. It is highly recommended to switch to the new system, which is described here.

The following methods have been removed:

CommandAPI.getInstance().register(String, LinkedHashMap, CommandExecutor);
CommandAPI.getInstance().register(String, String[], LinkedHashMap, CommandExecutor);
CommandAPI.getInstance().register(String, CommandPermission, LinkedHashMap, CommandExecutor);
CommandAPI.getInstance().register(String, CommandPermission, String[], LinkedHashMap, CommandExecutor);

CommandAPI.getInstance().register(String, LinkedHashMap, ResultingCommandExecutor);
CommandAPI.getInstance().register(String, String[], LinkedHashMap, ResultingCommandExecutor);
CommandAPI.getInstance().register(String, CommandPermission, LinkedHashMap, ResultingCommandExecutor);
CommandAPI.getInstance().register(String, CommandPermission, String[], LinkedHashMap, ResultingCommandExecutor);

Additionally, the CommandAPI is no longer accessed by using CommandAPI.getInstance(). This has been replaced with static methods that can be accessed without an instance of the CommandAPI, so you can use the following:

CommandAPI.fail(String command);
CommandAPI.unregister(String command);
CommandAPI.unregister(String command, boolean force);