Upgrading guide

From version 6.5.2 to 7.0.0

Maven repository

The Maven repository used to serve the CommandAPI has changed from JitPack.io to Maven Central. For Maven projects, you no longer require wan explicit <repository> entry for the CommandAPI. for Gradle projects, you need to ensure mavenCentral() in present in your repositories section.

The group ID has changed from dev.jorel.CommandAPI to dev.jorel

More information about setting up your development environment can be found in Setting up your development environment.

CommandAPI command failures

The CommandAPI.fail() no longer automatically throws the exception that it creates, and instead now requires you to manually throw the exception yourself. This improves upon invalid states in command executors and allows invalid states to be identified more easily at compile time. To update, simply add the throw keyword before you call CommandAPI.fail():

new CommandAPICommand("mycommand")
    .executes((sender, args) -> {
        if(!sender.hasPermission("some.permission")) {
            CommandAPI.fail("You don't have permission to run /mycommand!");


new CommandAPICommand("mycommand")
    .executes((sender, args) -> {
        if(!sender.hasPermission("some.permission")) {
            throw CommandAPI.fail("You don't have permission to run /mycommand!");


Suggestions have been overhauled and no longer take in a Function<SuggestionsInfo, String[]> anymore. Instead, they now take in a ArgumentSuggestions object which represents argument suggestions (and whether they are executed asynchronously or have tooltips).

Normal (string) suggestions

These normal suggestions methods have been replaced with an ArgumentSuggestions parameter instead of a function:

Argument replaceSuggestions(Function<SuggestionInfo, String[]> suggestions);
Argument includeSuggestions(Function<SuggestionInfo, String[]> suggestions);


Argument replaceSuggestions(ArgumentSuggestions suggestions);
Argument includeSuggestions(ArgumentSuggestions suggestions);

The same functionality can be reproduced by wrapping your existing functions in ArgumentSuggestions.strings:

List<Argument> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
arguments.add(new StringArgument("world").replaceSuggestions(info -> 
    new String[] {"northland", "eastland", "southland", "westland" }


List<Argument> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
arguments.add(new StringArgument("world").replaceSuggestions(ArgumentSuggestions.strings(info -> 
    new String[] {"northland", "eastland", "southland", "westland" }

Normal (strings with tooltips) suggestions

The ...T() methods have been replaced with the normal methods above, and can use the ArgumentSuggestions.stringsWithTooltips method:

Argument replaceSuggestionsT(Function<SuggestionInfo, IStringTooltip[]> suggestions);
Argument includeSuggestionsT(Function<SuggestionInfo, IStringTooltip[]> suggestions);


Argument replaceSuggestions(ArgumentSuggestions suggestions);
Argument includeSuggestions(ArgumentSuggestions suggestions);

For example:

List<Argument> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
arguments.add(new StringArgument("emote")
    .replaceSuggestionsT( info -> new IStringTooltip[] {
            StringTooltip.of("wave", "Waves at a player"),
            StringTooltip.of("hug", "Gives a player a hug"),
            StringTooltip.of("glare", "Gives a player the death glare")


List<Argument> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
arguments.add(new StringArgument("emote")
    .replaceSuggestions(ArgumentSuggestions.stringsWithTooltips(info -> new IStringTooltip[] {
            StringTooltip.of("wave", "Waves at a player"),
            StringTooltip.of("hug", "Gives a player a hug"),
            StringTooltip.of("glare", "Gives a player the death glare")

Safe suggestions

Similar to above with normal suggestions, safe suggestions have been replaced with replaceSafeSuggestions and includeSafeSuggestions respectively:

Argument replaceWithSafeSuggestions(Function<SuggestionInfo, S[]> suggestions);
Argument includeWithSafeSuggestions(Function<SuggestionInfo, S[]> suggestions);


Argument replaceSafeSuggestions(SafeSuggestions<T> suggestions);
Argument includeSafeSuggestions(SafeSuggestions<T> suggestions);

These can be used with the SafeSuggestions.suggest and SafeSuggestions.tooltips methods to wrap existing functions. For example:

List<Argument> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
arguments.add(new RecipeArgument("recipe").replaceWithSafeSuggestions(info -> 
    new Recipe[] { emeraldSwordRecipe, /* Other recipes here */ }


List<Argument> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
arguments.add(new RecipeArgument("recipe").replaceSafeSuggestions(SafeSuggestions.suggest(info -> 
    new Recipe[] { emeraldSwordRecipe, /* Other recipes here */ }

From version 6.2.0 or earlier to 6.3.0

Please refer to an older version of the documentation. This has been omitted to save space and reduce confusion in this upgrading section.