
Subcommands is another method for registering commands that makes use of creating multiple different CommandAPICommand instances. Given a CommandAPICommand, we can add a subcommand by using the following method:

CommandAPICommand withSubcommand(CommandAPICommand subcommand);

Using subcommands has no disadvantages to using regular commands with the LiteralArgument or MultiLiteralArgument, and should be slightly more intuitive to implement if you've used other command frameworks before.

Example - Permission system with subcommands

Say we wanted to write a permission management system. To do this, we'll use the following command structsyntaxure:

/perm group add <permission> <groupName> /perm group remove <permission> <groupName> /perm user add <permission> <userName> /perm user remove <permission> <userName>

Let's start with the simplest example - the /perm group ... command. We have one command which is the following:

add <permission> <groupName>

We can implement this by creating a CommandAPICommand with the command name add:

CommandAPICommand groupAdd = new CommandAPICommand("add") .withArguments(new StringArgument("permission")) .withArguments(new StringArgument("groupName")) .executes((sender, args) -> { //perm group add code });

Similarly, we have another part remove <permission> <groupName>. We can declare this similar to our add command. Once we've done that, we can now join everything up together. Here, we create a command group which adds the two other subcommands:

CommandAPICommand groupRemove = new CommandAPICommand("remove") .withArguments(new StringArgument("permission")) .withArguments(new StringArgument("groupName")) .executes((sender, args) -> { //perm group remove code }); CommandAPICommand group = new CommandAPICommand("group") .withSubcommand(groupAdd) .withSubcommand(groupRemove);

Finally, we can link everything up together to the perm command and register the whole thing together:

new CommandAPICommand("perm") .withSubcommand(group) .register();

Another, more intuitive method, is to shove everything in one go without creating lots of variables all over the place:

new CommandAPICommand("perm") .withSubcommand(new CommandAPICommand("group") .withSubcommand(new CommandAPICommand("add") .withArguments(new StringArgument("permission")) .withArguments(new StringArgument("groupName")) .executes((sender, args) -> { //perm group add code }) ) .withSubcommand(new CommandAPICommand("remove") .withArguments(new StringArgument("permission")) .withArguments(new StringArgument("groupName")) .executes((sender, args) -> { //perm group remove code }) ) ) .withSubcommand(new CommandAPICommand("user") .withSubcommand(new CommandAPICommand("add") .withArguments(new StringArgument("permission")) .withArguments(new StringArgument("userName")) .executes((sender, args) -> { //perm user add code }) ) .withSubcommand(new CommandAPICommand("remove") .withArguments(new StringArgument("permission")) .withArguments(new StringArgument("userName")) .executes((sender, args) -> { //perm user remove code }) ) ) .register();