Objective arguments

In the CommandAPI, objectives are split into two classes:

  • The ObjectiveArgument class, which represents objectives as a whole
  • The ObjectiveCriteriaArgument class, which represents objective criteria

Objective argument

The objective argument refers to a single scoreboard objective.

Example - Move objective to sidebar

As an example, let's create a command to move an objective to a player's sidebar. To do this, we will use the following command syntax:

/sidebar <objective>
new CommandAPICommand("sidebar")
    .withArguments(new ObjectiveArgument("objective"))
    .executes((sender, args) -> {
        Objective objective = (Objective) args.get(0);
        // Set display slot
    .executes(CommandExecutor { _, args ->
        val objective = args[0] as Objective

        // Set display slot
        objective?.displaySlot = DisplaySlot.SIDEBAR
commandAPICommand("sidebar") {
    anyExecutor { _, args ->
        val objective = args[0] as Objective

        // Set display slot
        objective?.displaySlot = DisplaySlot.SIDEBAR

Objective criteria argument

The ObjectiveCriteriaArgument is fairly straight forward - it represents the criteria for an objective. Similar to Bukkit, the objective criteria is simply represented as a String, so it must be casted to a String when being used.

Example - Unregister all objectives by criteria

Say we wanted to create a command to unregister all objectives based on a given criteria. Let's create a command with the following form:

/unregisterall <objective critera>

To do this, we're going to take advantage of Bukkit's Scoreboard.getObjectivesByCriteria(String) method

new CommandAPICommand("unregisterall")
    .withArguments(new ObjectiveCriteriaArgument("objective criteria"))
    .executes((sender, args) -> {
        String objectiveCriteria = (String) args.get(0);
        Set<Objective> objectives = Bukkit.getScoreboardManager().getMainScoreboard().getObjectivesByCriteria(objectiveCriteria);
        // Unregister the objectives
        for (Objective objective : objectives) {
    .withArguments(ObjectiveCriteriaArgument("objective criteria"))
    .executes(CommandExecutor { _, args ->
        val objectiveCriteria = args[0] as String
        val objectives = Bukkit.getScoreboardManager().mainScoreboard.getObjectivesByCriteria(objectiveCriteria)

        // Unregister the objectives
        for (objective in objectives) {
commandAPICommand("unregisterall") {
    objectiveCriteriaArgument("objective criteria")
    anyExecutor { _, args ->
        val objectiveCriteria = args[0] as String
        val objectives = Bukkit.getScoreboardManager().mainScoreboard.getObjectivesByCriteria(objectiveCriteria)

        // Unregister the objectives
        for (objective in objectives) {