ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentAdvancement () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentAngle () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentAxis () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentBlockPredicate () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentBlockState () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentChat () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentChatComponent () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentChatFormat () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentDimension () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentEnchantment () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentEntity (ArgumentSubType subType) |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentEntitySummon () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentFloatRange () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentIntRange () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentItemPredicate () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentItemStack () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentMathOperation () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentMinecraftKeyRegistered () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentMobEffect () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentNBTCompound () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentParticle () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentPosition () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentPosition2D () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentProfile () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentRecipe () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentRotation () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentScoreboardCriteria () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentScoreboardObjective () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentScoreboardSlot () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentScoreboardTeam () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentScoreholder (ArgumentSubType subType) |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentTag () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentTime () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentUUID () |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentVec2 (boolean centerPosition) |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentVec3 (boolean centerPosition) |
ArgumentType<?> | _ArgumentSyntheticBiome () |
String[] | compatibleVersions () |
| A String array of Minecraft versions that this NMS implementation is compatible with. More...
String | convert (ItemStack is) |
String | convert (ParticleData<?> particle) |
String | convert (PotionEffectType potion) |
String | convert (Sound sound) |
Advancement | getAdvancement (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
Component | getAdventureChat (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
NamedTextColor | getAdventureChatColor (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) |
Component | getAdventureChatComponent (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) |
float | getAngle (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) |
EnumSet< Axis > | getAxis (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) |
Object | getBiome (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key, ArgumentSubType subType) throws CommandSyntaxException |
Predicate< Block > | getBlockPredicate (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
BlockData | getBlockState (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) |
BaseComponent[] | getChat (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
ChatColor | getChatColor (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) |
BaseComponent[] | getChatComponent (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) |
World | getDimension (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
Enchantment | getEnchantment (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
Object | getEntitySelector (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key, ArgumentSubType subType, boolean allowEmpty) throws CommandSyntaxException |
EntityType | getEntityType (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
FloatRange | getFloatRange (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) |
FunctionWrapper[] | getFunction (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
SimpleFunctionWrapper | getFunction (NamespacedKey key) |
Set< NamespacedKey > | getFunctions () |
IntegerRange | getIntRange (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) |
ItemStack | getItemStack (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
Predicate< ItemStack > | getItemStackPredicate (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
Location2D | getLocation2DBlock (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
Location2D | getLocation2DPrecise (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
Location | getLocationBlock (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String str) throws CommandSyntaxException |
Location | getLocationPrecise (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String str) throws CommandSyntaxException |
LootTable | getLootTable (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) |
MathOperation | getMathOperation (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
NamespacedKey | getMinecraftKey (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) |
< NBTContainer > Object | getNBTCompound (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key, Function< Object, NBTContainer > nbtContainerConstructor) |
Objective | getObjective (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws IllegalArgumentException, CommandSyntaxException |
String | getObjectiveCriteria (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) |
ParticleData<?> | getParticle (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) |
Player | getPlayer (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
OfflinePlayer | getOfflinePlayer (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
Object | getPotionEffect (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key, ArgumentSubType subType) throws CommandSyntaxException |
Recipe | getRecipe (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
Rotation | getRotation (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) |
ScoreboardSlot | getScoreboardSlot (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) |
Collection< String > | getScoreHolderMultiple (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
String | getScoreHolderSingle (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
Team | getTeam (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) throws CommandSyntaxException |
int | getTime (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) |
UUID | getUUID (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key) |
World | getWorldForCSS (CommandListenerWrapper clw) |
SimpleCommandMap | getSimpleCommandMap () |
| Returns the Server's internal (OBC) CommandMap. More...
Object | getSound (CommandContext< CommandListenerWrapper > cmdCtx, String key, ArgumentSubType subType) |
SuggestionProvider< CommandListenerWrapper > | getSuggestionProvider (SuggestionProviders provider) |
| Retrieve a specific NMS implemented SuggestionProvider. More...
SimpleFunctionWrapper[] | getTag (NamespacedKey key) |
Set< NamespacedKey > | getTags () |
void | reloadDataPacks () |
| Reloads the datapacks by using the updated the commandDispatcher tree. More...
HelpTopic | generateHelpTopic (String commandName, String shortDescription, String fullDescription, String permission) |
Map< String, HelpTopic > | getHelpMap () |
Message | generateMessageFromJson (String json) |
CommandRegistrationStrategy< CommandListenerWrapper > | createCommandRegistrationStrategy () |