CommandAPI 9.6.0
An API for the command UI introduced in Minecraft 1.13
Package dev.jorel.commandapi.annotations.arguments

Argument annotations which can be used with the CommandAPI annotation system. More...


interface  AAdvancementArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the AdvancementArgument. More...
interface  AAdventureChatArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the AdventureChatArgument. More...
interface  AAdventureChatComponentArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the AdventureChatComponentArgument. More...
interface  AAngleArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the AngleArgument. More...
interface  AAxisArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the AxisArgument. More...
interface  ABiomeArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the BiomeArgument. More...
interface  ABlockPredicateArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the BlockPredicateArgument. More...
interface  ABlockStateArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the BlockStateArgument. More...
interface  ABooleanArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the BooleanArgument. More...
interface  AChatArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the ChatArgument. More...
interface  AChatColorArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the ChatColorArgument. More...
interface  AChatComponentArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the ChatComponentArgument. More...
interface  ADoubleArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the DoubleArgument. More...
interface  AEnchantmentArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the EnchantmentArgument. More...
interface  AEntitySelectorArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the EntitySelectorArgument. More...
interface  AEntityTypeArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the EntityTypeArgument. More...
interface  AFloatArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the FloatArgument. More...
interface  AFloatRangeArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the FloatRangeArgument. More...
interface  AFunctionArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the FunctionArgument. More...
interface  AGreedyStringArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the EntitySelectorArgument. More...
interface  AIntegerArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the IntegerArgument. More...
interface  AIntegerRangeArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the IntegerRangeArgument. More...
interface  AItemStackArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the ItemStackArgument. More...
interface  AItemStackPredicateArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the ItemStackPredicateArgument. More...
interface  ALiteralArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the LiteralArgument. More...
interface  ALocation2DArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the Location2DArgument. More...
interface  ALocationArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the LocationArgument. More...
interface  ALongArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the LongArgument. More...
interface  ALootTableArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the LootTableArgument. More...
interface  AMathOperationArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the MathOperationArgument. More...
interface  AMultiLiteralArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the MultiLiteralArgument. More...
interface  ANamespacedKeyArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the NamespacedKeyArgument. More...
interface  ANBTCompoundArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the NBTCompoundArgument. More...
interface  AObjectiveArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the ObjectiveArgument. More...
interface  AObjectiveCriteriaArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the ObjectiveCriteriaArgument. More...
interface  AOfflinePlayerArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the OfflinePlayerArgument. More...
interface  AParticleArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the ParticleArgument. More...
interface  APlayerArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the PlayerArgument. More...
interface  APotionEffectArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the PotionEffectArgument. More...
interface  ARecipeArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the RecipeArgument. More...
interface  ARotationArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the RotationArgument. More...
interface  AScoreboardSlotArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the ScoreboardSlotArgument. More...
interface  AScoreHolderArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the ScoreHolderArgument. More...
interface  ASoundArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the SoundArgument. More...
interface  AStringArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the StringArgument. More...
interface  ATeamArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the TeamArgument. More...
interface  ATextArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the TextArgument. More...
interface  ATimeArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the TimeArgument. More...
interface  AUUIDArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the UUIDArgument. More...
interface  AWorldArgument
 Annotation equivalent of the WorldArgument. More...
interface  Primitive
 Tells the annotation processor that this primitive argument's casting type is. More...

Detailed Description

Argument annotations which can be used with the CommandAPI annotation system.