Multi literal arguments

So far, we've described normal arguments and literal arguments. We've described the nuances with literal arguments and how they're not really "arguments", so they don't appear in the args[] for commands.

Now forget all of that. Multi literal arguments are the same as literal arguments but they do appear in the args[] for commands. Multi literal arguments are just a way better alternative to literal arguments. The multi literal argument constructor allows you to provide a String[] of possible values which you can use for your command declaration.

The multi literal argument has all of the same benefits of a regular literal argument - they are hardcoded options that the user must enter - they don't allow other values.

Developer's Note:

The only reason that LiteralArgument still exists is for legacy purposes. MultiLiteralArgument is much more recommended because it's easier to understand and implement. The LiteralArgument has a very slight performance improvement over the MultiLiteralArgument, but it's basically unnoticeable.

Example - Using multi literals to make the gamemode command

In this example, we'll show how to use multi literals to declare Minecraft's /gamemode command. As you can see from the example code below, the argument declaration and command declaration is the same as if you were declaring any normal argument or command.

LinkedHashMap<String, Argument> arguments = new LinkedHashMap<>();
arguments.put("gamemode", new MultiLiteralArgument("adventure", "creative", "spectator", "survival"));

new CommandAPICommand("gamemode")
    .executesPlayer((player, args) -> {
        // The literal string that the player enters IS available in the args[]
        switch((String) args[0]) {
            case "adventure":
            case "creative":
            case "spectator":
            case "survival":