Chat arguments

The CommandAPI provides a number of ways to interact with chat formatting in Minecraft. These are the following:

  • ChatColor: The color of text rendered in Minecraft
  • Chat: Text which is said in chat. This also includes entity selectors such as @a and @r
  • ChatComponent: Minecraft's Raw JSON text format

The CommandAPI implements Chat and ChatComponent in two separate ways: Spigot-compatible and Adventure-compatible. The differences between these and how to use them are described in their own relevant pages.

Chat color argument

Chatcolor argument in-game, displaying a list of Minecraft chat colors

The ChatColorArgument class is used to represent a given chat color (e.g. red or green)

Example - Username color changing plugin

Say we want to create a plugin to change the color of a player's username. We want to create a command of the following form:

/namecolor <chatcolor>

We then use the ChatColorArgument to change the player's name color:

new CommandAPICommand("namecolor")
    .withArguments(new ChatColorArgument("chatcolor"))
    .executesPlayer((player, args) -> {
        ChatColor color = (ChatColor) args[0];
        player.setDisplayName(color + player.getName());