Safe argument suggestions

So far, we've covered how to override suggestions using the overrideSuggestions() method. The issue with using Strings for suggestion listings is that they are prone to errors. As a result, some arguments include the safeOverrideSuggestions(), which provides type-safety checks for argument suggestions, as well as automatic "Bukkit-to-suggestion" conversion.

The whole point of the safe argument suggestions method is that parameters entered in this method are guaranteed to work.

The use of the safe override suggestions function is basically the same as overrideSuggestions() from the previous section, except instead of returning a String[], you now return a T[], where T is the class corresponding to the argument. This is described in more detail in the table below.

Argument safeOverrideSuggestions(T... suggestions);
Argument safeOverrideSuggestions(Function<CommandSender, T[]> suggestions);
Argument safeOverrideSuggestions(BiFunction<CommandSender, Object[], T[]> suggestions);

Supported arguments

Not all arguments support safe suggestions. This is mostly due to implementation constraints or inadequate support by the Bukkit API.

The list of supported arguments are displayed in the following table. The parameter T (shown in the method signatures above) are also provided for each argument. This parameter is the same as the cast argument described in Argument Casting, except for a few exceptions which are outlined in bold.

ArgumentClass (T)

Safe time arguments

While most of the arguments are fairly straight forward, I'd like to bring your attention to the TimeArgument's safe suggestions function. This uses dev.jorel.commandapi.wrappers.Time as the class for T to ensure type-safety. The Time class has three static methods:

Time ticks(int ticks);
Time days(int days);
Time seconds(int seconds);

These create representations of ticks (e.g. 40t), days (e.g. 2d) and seconds (e.g. 60s) respectively.

Safe function arguments

Although all safe arguments are indeed "type-safe", the function argument uses a NamespacedKey which cannot be checked fully at compile time. As a result, this is argument should be used with caution - providing a NamespacedKey suggestion that does not exist when the server is running will cause that command to fail if that suggestion is used.

Safe scoreboard slot arguments

Scoreboard slots now include two new static methods so they can be used with safe arguments:

ScoreboardSlot of(DisplaySlot slot);
ScoreboardSlot ofTeamColor(ChatColor color);

This allows you to create ScoreboardSlot instances which can be used with the safe override suggestions method.


While this should be fairly straight forward, here's a few examples of how this can be used in practice:

Example - Safe recipe arguments

Say we have a plugin that registers custom items which can be crafted. In this example, we use an "emerald sword" with a custom crafting recipe. Now say that we want to have a command that gives the player the item from our declared recipes. To do this, we first register our custom items:

// Create our itemstack
ItemStack emeraldSword = new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND_SWORD);
ItemMeta meta = emeraldSword.getItemMeta();
meta.setDisplayName("Emerald Sword");

// Create and register our recipe
ShapedRecipe emeraldSwordRecipe = new ShapedRecipe(new NamespacedKey(this, "emerald_sword"), emeraldSword);
emeraldSwordRecipe.setIngredient('A', Material.AIR);
emeraldSwordRecipe.setIngredient('E', Material.EMERALD);
emeraldSwordRecipe.setIngredient('B', Material.BLAZE_ROD);

... // Omitted, more itemstacks and recipes

Once we've done that, we can now include them in our command registration. To do this, we use safeOverrideSuggestions(recipes) and then register our command as normal:

// Safely override with the recipe we've defined
List<Argument> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
arguments.add(new RecipeArgument("recipe").safeOverrideSuggestions(emeraldSwordRecipe, /* Other recipes */));

// Register our command
new CommandAPICommand("giverecipe")
	.executesPlayer((player, args) -> {
		Recipe recipe = (Recipe) args[0];

Example - Safe /spawnmob suggestions

Say we have a command to spawn mobs:

/spawnmob <mob>

Now say that we don't want non-op players to spawn bosses. To do this, we'll create a List<EntityType> which is the list of all mobs that non-ops are allowed to spawn:

EntityType[] forbiddenMobs = new EntityType[] {EntityType.ENDER_DRAGON, EntityType.WITHER};
List<EntityType> allowedMobs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(EntityType.values()));
allowedMobs.removeAll(Arrays.asList(forbiddenMobs)); //Now contains everything except enderdragon and wither

We then use our safe arguments to return an EntityType[] as the list of values that are suggested to the player. In this example, we use the Function<CommandSender, EntityType[]> argument to determine if the sender has permissions to view the suggestions:

List<Argument> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
arguments.add(new EntityTypeArgument("mob").safeOverrideSuggestions(
	sender -> {
		if(sender.isOp()) {
			return EntityType.values(); //All entity types
		} else {
			return allowedMobs.toArray(new EntityType[0]); //Only allowsMobs

Now we register our command as normal:

new CommandAPICommand("spawnmob")
	.executesPlayer((player, args) -> {
		EntityType entityType = (EntityType) args[0];
		player.getWorld().spawnEntity(player.getLocation(), entityType);

Example - Removing a potion effect from a player

Say we wanted to remove a potion effect from a player. To do this, we'll use the following command syntax:

/removeeffect <player> <potioneffect>

Now, we don't want to remove a potion effect that already exists on a player, so instead we'll use the safe arguments to find a list of potion effects on the target player and then only suggest those potion effects. To do this, we'll use the BiFunction<CommandSender, Object[], PotionEffectType[]> parameter, as it allows us to access the previously defined <player> argument.

List<Argument> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
arguments.add(new EntitySelectorArgument("target", EntitySelector.ONE_PLAYER));
arguments.add(new PotionEffectArgument("potioneffect").safeOverrideSuggestions(
	(sender, prevArgs) -> {
		Player target = (Player) prevArgs[0];
        //Convert PotionEffect[] into PotionEffectType[]
		return target.getActivePotionEffects().stream()

And then we can register our command as normal:

new CommandAPICommand("removeeffect")
	.executesPlayer((player, args) -> {
		EntityType entityType = (EntityType) args[0];
		player.getWorld().spawnEntity(player.getLocation(), entityType);