Recipe arguments

A recipe argument command with the suggestions for Minecraft items

The RecipeArgument class lets you retrieve Bukkit's ComplexRecipe object.

Example - Giving a player the result of a recipe

Say we want to give yourself the result of a specific recipe. Since Bukkit's Recipe class contains the getResult() method, we will use that in our example. We want to create the following command:

/giverecipe <recipe>

As such, we easily implement it by specifying the RecipeArgument, casting it and adding it to the player's inventory:

new CommandAPICommand("giverecipe")
    .withArguments(new RecipeArgument("recipe"))
    .executesPlayer((player, args) -> {
        ComplexRecipe recipe = (ComplexRecipe) args[0];
    .executesPlayer(PlayerCommandExecutor { player, args ->
        val recipe = args[0] as ComplexRecipe

Example - Unlocking a recipe for a player

In this example, we'll use the ComplexRecipe's getKey() method to write an example to to unlock a recipe for a player. For this command, we'll use the following syntax:

/unlockrecipe <player> <recipe>

This is then implemented trivially as follows:

new CommandAPICommand("unlockrecipe")
    .withArguments(new PlayerArgument("player"))
    .withArguments(new RecipeArgument("recipe"))
    .executes((sender, args) -> {
        Player target = (Player) args[0];
        ComplexRecipe recipe = (ComplexRecipe) args[1];

    .executes(CommandExecutor { _, args ->
        val target = args[0] as Player
        val recipe = args[1] as ComplexRecipe
