▼Ncom | |
▼Nmojang | |
▼Nbrigadier | |
►Narguments | |
CArgumentType | A parsable argument designed to be used by an ArgumentCommandNode as its type argument |
CBoolArgumentType | An ArgumentType that parses booleans |
CDoubleArgumentType | An ArgumentType that parses doubles |
CFloatArgumentType | An ArgumentType that parses floats |
CIntegerArgumentType | An ArgumentType that parses integers |
CLongArgumentType | An ArgumentType that parses longs |
►CStringArgumentType | An ArgumentType that parses strings |
CStringType | The type of phrase that is matched by StringArgumentType |
►Nbuilder | |
CArgumentBuilder | A skeleton implementation of a Builder for CommandNode s |
CLiteralArgumentBuilder | An ArgumentBuilder for a LiteralCommandNode that is triggered by a literal (i.e |
CRequiredArgumentBuilder | An ArgumentBuilder for a ArgumentCommandNode that is triggered by an argument, like a number |
►Ncontext | |
CCommandContext | A general container class storing information needed to invoke a command |
CCommandContextBuilder | A builder for CommandContext objects |
CParsedArgument | Represents an argument that was parsed from the input |
CParsedCommandNode | Represents a CommandNode that was parsed from the input |
CStringRange | A range within a string, i.e |
CSuggestionContext | Represents a context for a suggestion, just encompassing a command node and where the completion starts |
►Nexceptions | |
CBuiltInExceptionProvider | Defines all built-in exceptions, that are used internally by Brigadier |
CBuiltInExceptions | Contains all built-in exceptions, that are used by Brigadier |
CCommandExceptionType | A marker interface that indicates that the implementing class is a valid cause for a CommandSyntaxException |
CCommandSyntaxException | An exception for a syntax error that occurred while parsing or executing a command |
►CDynamic2CommandExceptionType | A CommandExceptionType taking two inputs and returning a message based on those |
CFunction | A simple Function to compute a Message based on the two input arguments |
►CDynamic3CommandExceptionType | A CommandExceptionType taking three inputs and returning a message based on those |
CFunction | A simple Function to compute a Message based on the three input arguments |
►CDynamic4CommandExceptionType | A CommandExceptionType taking four inputs and returning a message based on those |
CFunction | A simple Function to compute a Message based on the four input arguments |
CDynamicCommandExceptionType | A CommandExceptionType taking one input and returning a message based on it |
►CDynamicNCommandExceptionType | A CommandExceptionType taking an arbitrary number of inputs and returning a message based on those |
CFunction | A simple Function to compute a Message based on the input arguments |
CSimpleCommandExceptionType | A simple CommandExceptionType that gives a static message, that does not change based on the type of error |
►Nsuggestion | |
CIntegerSuggestion | A Suggestion that suggests an integer |
CSuggestion | Represents a suggestion for a possible next value as well as an optional tooltip |
CSuggestionProvider | A provider that generates suggestions based on a context and adds them to a builder it then returns |
CSuggestions | A collection of Suggestion s |
CSuggestionsBuilder | A builder to simplify creating Suggestions instances |
►Ntree | |
CArgumentCommandNode | A CommandNode that is triggered by an argument, like a number |
CCommandNode | The abstract base for the command tree, just representing a single command node |
CLiteralCommandNode | An CommandNode that is triggered by a literal (i.e |
CRootCommandNode | The root of the command node tree, which has basically no functionality except to hold the tree together |
CAmbiguityConsumer | A consumer that is notified of found ambiguities in the command tree |
CCommand | The functional interface actually representing a command to execute |
CCommandDispatcher | The core command dispatcher, for registering, parsing, and executing commands |
CImmutableStringReader | A string reader can be used to progressively read through a string |
CLiteralMessage | A Message that has a literal string it returns |
CMessage | An abstract notion of a message that can be displayed to a user |
CParseResults | Consolidates the results of parsing a command in an object |
CRedirectModifier | A redirect modifier to apply when a command is redirected and/or forked |
CResultConsumer | A consumer that is called by the CommandDispatcher whenever a command completed |
CSingleRedirectModifier | Basically a RedirectModifier (though no subtype) that only converts to a single command source |
CStringReader | A mutable implementation of an ImmutableStringReader , that allows moving the cursor |
▼Ndev | |
▼Njorel | |
▼Ncommandapi | |
►Nannotations | Annotations which can be used with the CommandAPI annotation system |
►Narguments | Argument annotations which can be used with the CommandAPI annotation system |
CAAdvancementArgument | Annotation equivalent of the AdvancementArgument |
CAAdventureChatArgument | Annotation equivalent of the AdventureChatArgument |
CAAdventureChatComponentArgument | Annotation equivalent of the AdventureChatComponentArgument |
CAAngleArgument | Annotation equivalent of the AngleArgument |
CAAxisArgument | Annotation equivalent of the AxisArgument |
CABiomeArgument | Annotation equivalent of the BiomeArgument |
CABlockPredicateArgument | Annotation equivalent of the BlockPredicateArgument |
CABlockStateArgument | Annotation equivalent of the BlockStateArgument |
CABooleanArgument | Annotation equivalent of the BooleanArgument |
CAChatArgument | Annotation equivalent of the ChatArgument |
CAChatColorArgument | Annotation equivalent of the ChatColorArgument |
CAChatComponentArgument | Annotation equivalent of the ChatComponentArgument |
CADoubleArgument | Annotation equivalent of the DoubleArgument |
CAEnchantmentArgument | Annotation equivalent of the EnchantmentArgument |
►CAEntitySelectorArgument | Annotation equivalent of the EntitySelectorArgument |
CManyEntities | Annotation equivalent of the EntitySelectorArgument for many entities |
CManyPlayers | Annotation equivalent of the EntitySelectorArgument for many players |
COneEntity | Annotation equivalent of the EntitySelectorArgument for one entity |
COnePlayer | Annotation equivalent of the EntitySelectorArgument for one player |
CAEntityTypeArgument | Annotation equivalent of the EntityTypeArgument |
CAFloatArgument | Annotation equivalent of the FloatArgument |
CAFloatRangeArgument | Annotation equivalent of the FloatRangeArgument |
CAFunctionArgument | Annotation equivalent of the FunctionArgument |
CAGreedyStringArgument | Annotation equivalent of the EntitySelectorArgument |
CAIntegerArgument | Annotation equivalent of the IntegerArgument |
CAIntegerRangeArgument | Annotation equivalent of the IntegerRangeArgument |
CAItemStackArgument | Annotation equivalent of the ItemStackArgument |
CAItemStackPredicateArgument | Annotation equivalent of the ItemStackPredicateArgument |
CALiteralArgument | Annotation equivalent of the LiteralArgument |
CALocation2DArgument | Annotation equivalent of the Location2DArgument |
CALocationArgument | Annotation equivalent of the LocationArgument |
CALongArgument | Annotation equivalent of the LongArgument |
CALootTableArgument | Annotation equivalent of the LootTableArgument |
CAMathOperationArgument | Annotation equivalent of the MathOperationArgument |
CAMultiLiteralArgument | Annotation equivalent of the MultiLiteralArgument |
CANamespacedKeyArgument | Annotation equivalent of the NamespacedKeyArgument |
CANBTCompoundArgument | Annotation equivalent of the NBTCompoundArgument |
CAObjectiveArgument | Annotation equivalent of the ObjectiveArgument |
CAObjectiveCriteriaArgument | Annotation equivalent of the ObjectiveCriteriaArgument |
CAOfflinePlayerArgument | Annotation equivalent of the OfflinePlayerArgument |
CAParticleArgument | Annotation equivalent of the ParticleArgument |
CAPlayerArgument | Annotation equivalent of the PlayerArgument |
CAPotionEffectArgument | Annotation equivalent of the PotionEffectArgument |
CARecipeArgument | Annotation equivalent of the RecipeArgument |
CARotationArgument | Annotation equivalent of the RotationArgument |
CAScoreboardSlotArgument | Annotation equivalent of the ScoreboardSlotArgument |
►CAScoreHolderArgument | Annotation equivalent of the ScoreHolderArgument |
CMultiple | Annotation equivalent of the ScoreHolderArgument for multiple score holders |
CSingle | Annotation equivalent of the ScoreHolderArgument for a single score holder |
CASoundArgument | Annotation equivalent of the SoundArgument |
CAStringArgument | Annotation equivalent of the StringArgument |
CATeamArgument | Annotation equivalent of the TeamArgument |
CATextArgument | Annotation equivalent of the TextArgument |
CATimeArgument | Annotation equivalent of the TimeArgument |
CAUUIDArgument | Annotation equivalent of the UUIDArgument |
CAWorldArgument | Annotation equivalent of the WorldArgument |
CPrimitive | Tells the annotation processor that this primitive argument's casting type is |
CAlias | The annotation to represent the aliases for a given base command |
CAnnotations | The main annotation processor for annotation-based arguments |
CCommand | The annotation to indicate that this class is a command |
CDefault | The annotation to indicate that this method is the default command executor when no subcommands are used |
CHelp | The annotation which includes information about the help for a command |
CNeedsOp | The annotation to apply to indicate that a command or subcommand requires being OP to use |
CPermission | The annotation to apply a permission to a command or subcommand |
CSubcommand | The annotation to indicate that this method is a subcommand |
►Narguments | Classes to be used as arguments for commands |
CAbstractArgument | The core abstract class for Command API arguments |
CAdvancementArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit Advancement object |
CAdventureChatArgument | An argument that represents chat with entity selectors |
CAdventureChatColorArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit ChatColor object |
CAdventureChatComponentArgument | An argument that represents raw JSON text |
CAngleArgument | An argument that represents a yaw angle, measured in degrees with float number |
CArgument | The core abstract class for Command API arguments |
CArgumentSubType | An enum that represents argument subtypes |
CArgumentSuggestions | This class represents suggestions for an argument |
CAxisArgument | An argument that represents x, y and z axes as an EnumSet of Axis |
►CBiomeArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit Biome object |
CNamespacedKey | An argument that represents the Bukkit Biome object |
CBlockPredicateArgument | An argument that represents a Predicate<Block> |
CBlockStateArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit BlockData object |
CBooleanArgument | An argument that represents primitive Java booleans |
CChatArgument | An argument that represents chat with entity selectors |
CChatColorArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit ChatColor object |
CChatComponentArgument | An argument that represents raw JSON text |
CCommandAPIArgumentType | An enum that represents the different arguments declared in the Command API |
CCommandArgument | An argument that represents a command |
►CCustomArgument | An argument that represents any custom object |
CCustomArgumentException | An exception used to create command-related errors for the CustomArgument |
CCustomArgumentInfoParser | A FunctionalInterface that takes in a CustomArgumentInfo , returns T and can throw a CustomArgumentException |
CMessageBuilder | MessageBuilder is used to create error messages for invalid argument inputs |
CCustomProvidedArgument | An interface allowing arguments to have built-in suggestion providers based on Minecraft namespaced keys |
CDoubleArgument | An argument that represents primitive Java doubles |
CEnchantmentArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit Enchantment object |
►CEntitySelectorArgument | An argument that represents a selection of entities |
CManyEntities | An argument that represents many entities |
CManyPlayers | An argument that represents many players |
COneEntity | An argument that represents a single entity |
COnePlayer | An argument that represents a single player |
CEntityTypeArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit EntityType object |
CEnumArgument | An argument that represents multiple LiteralArguments |
CFloatArgument | An argument that represents primitive Java floats |
CFloatRangeArgument | An argument that represents a range of float values |
CFunctionArgument | An argument that represents Minecraft functions and tags |
CGreedyArgument | An interface indicating that an argument consumes all available characters |
CGreedyStringArgument | An argument that represents arbitrary strings |
CIntegerArgument | An argument that represents primitive Java ints |
CIntegerRangeArgument | An argument that represents a range of integer values |
CItemStackArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit ItemStack object |
CItemStackPredicateArgument | An argument that represents a Predicate<ItemStack> |
CListArgument | An argument that accepts a list of objects |
►CListArgumentBuilder | A builder to create a ListArgument |
►CListArgumentBuilderSuggests | An intermediary class for the ListArgumentBuilder |
CListArgumentBuilderFinished | An intermediary class for the ListArgumentBuilder |
CListArgumentCommon | An argument that accepts a list of objects |
CListTextArgument | An argument that accepts a list of objects |
CLiteral | An interface representing literal-based arguments |
CLiteralArgument | A pseudo-argument representing a single literal string |
CLocation2DArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit Location object in x and z directions |
CLocationArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit Location object |
CLocationType | An enum representing block position or precise position for location arguments |
CLongArgument | An argument that represents primitive Java longs |
CLootTableArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit LootTable object |
CMapArgument | An argument that represents a key-value pair |
►CMapArgumentBuilder | A builder to create a MapArgument |
►CMapArgumentBuilderValueMapper | An intermediary class for the MapArgumentBuilder |
►CMapArgumentBuilderSuggestsKey | An intermediary class for the MapArgumentBuilder |
►CMapArgumentBuilderSuggestsValue | An intermediary class for the MapArgumentBuilder |
CMapArgumentBuilderFinished | An intermediary class for the MapArgumentBuilder |
CMathOperationArgument | An argument that represents Minecraft scoreboard math operations |
CMultiLiteral | An interface representing arguments with multiple literal string definitions |
CMultiLiteralArgument | An argument that represents multiple LiteralArguments |
CNamespacedKeyArgument | An argument that represents a Minecraft resource location (or namespaced key) in the form namespace:key |
CNBTCompoundArgument | An argument that represents an NBTContainer from the NBT API |
CObjectiveArgument | An argument that represents the name of a scoreboard objective |
CObjectiveCriteriaArgument | An argument that represents the name of an objective criteria |
COfflinePlayerArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit Player object |
CParticleArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit Particle object |
CPlayerArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit Player object |
►CPotionEffectArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit PotionEffectType object |
CNamespacedKey | An argument that represents the Bukkit PotionEffectType object |
CPreviewable | An interface representing that the argument can be previewed using Minecraft's chat preview feature |
CRecipeArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit Recipe object |
CRotationArgument | An argument that represents rotation as pitch and yaw |
CSafeOverrideable | |
CSafeOverrideableArgument | An interface declaring methods required to override argument suggestions |
CSafeSuggestions | This class represents safe suggestions |
CScoreboardSlotArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit ScoreboardSlot object |
►CScoreHolderArgument | An argument that represents a scoreholder's name, or a collection of scoreholder names |
CMultiple | An argument that represents a collection of scoreholder names |
CSingle | An argument that represents a scoreholder's name |
►CSoundArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit Sound object |
CNamespacedKey | An argument that represents the Bukkit Sound object |
CStringArgument | An argument that represents a simple String |
CStringParser | A class that represents a function that parses a String into another object |
CSuggestionProviders | An enum representing the different suggestion providers for arguments based on Minecraft namespaced keys |
CSuggestionsBranch | This class represents a branch in the suggestions of an argument |
CTeamArgument | An argument that represents the name of a scoreboard Team |
CTextArgument | An argument that represents text, encased in quotes |
CTimeArgument | An argument that represents a duration of time in ticks |
CUUIDArgument | An argument that represents a UUID |
CWorldArgument | An argument that represents the Bukkit World object |
►Ncommandsenders | |
CAbstractBlockCommandSender | |
CAbstractCommandSender | An interface that represents an object sends commands on some platform |
CAbstractConsoleCommandSender | |
CAbstractEntity | |
CAbstractFeedbackForwardingCommandSender | |
CAbstractNativeProxyCommandSender | |
CAbstractPlayer | |
CAbstractProxiedCommandSender | |
CAbstractRemoteConsoleCommandSender | |
CBukkitBlockCommandSender | |
CBukkitCommandSender | |
CBukkitConsoleCommandSender | |
CBukkitEntity | |
CBukkitFeedbackForwardingCommandSender | |
CBukkitNativeProxyCommandSender | |
CBukkitPlayer | |
CBukkitProxiedCommandSender | |
CBukkitRemoteConsoleCommandSender | |
►Nexceptions | Classes which are the exceptions raised during the execution of the Command API |
CBadLiteralException | An exception caused when a literal is null or empty |
CConflictingPermissionsException | An exception caused when the same permission is registered to a command |
CEmptyExecutorException | An exception caused when a command has no executor |
CGreedyArgumentException | An exception caused when a greedy argument is not declared at the end of a List |
CInvalidCommandNameException | An exception that occurs when trying to register a command with an invalid name |
CInvalidRangeException | An exception that occurs when the maximum value of a FloatRange or IntegerRange is less than its minimum value |
CMissingCommandExecutorException | An exception caused when a command does not declare any executors |
CNBTAPINotFoundException | An exception that occurs when the NBTAPI is not found, but an argument that uses it is declared |
COptionalArgumentException | |
CPaperAdventureNotFoundException | An exception that occurs when Paper's Adventure API is not present and has been set to be used |
CSpigotNotFoundException | An exception that occurs when Spigot is not present and Spigot is required |
CUnimplementedArgumentException | An exception caused when using an argument which hasn't been implemented in this Minecraft version |
CWrapperCommandSyntaxException | A wrapper for the CommandSyntaxException so other developers don't have to import Mojang's brigadier |
►Nexecutors | Classes relating to the different FunctionalInterfaces for command execution |
CCommandBlockCommandExecutor | A normal command executor for a BlockCommandSender |
CCommandBlockExecutionInfo | |
CCommandBlockResultingCommandExecutor | A resulting command executor for a BlockCommandSender |
CCommandBlockResultingExecutionInfo | |
CCommandExecutionInfo | |
CCommandExecutor | A normal command executor for a CommandSender |
CConsoleCommandExecutor | A normal command executor for a ConsoleCommandSender |
CConsoleExecutionInfo | |
CConsoleResultingCommandExecutor | A resulting command executor for a ConsoleCommandSender |
CConsoleResultingExecutionInfo | |
CEntityCommandExecutor | A normal command executor for an Entity |
CEntityExecutionInfo | |
CEntityResultingCommandExecutor | A resulting command executor for an Entity |
CEntityResultingExecutionInfo | |
CExecutionInfo | This interface represents an ExecutionInfo for a command |
CExecutorType | An enum representing the type of an executor |
CFeedbackForwardingCommandExecutor | A normal command executor for a BlockCommandSender |
CFeedbackForwardingExecutionInfo | |
CFeedbackForwardingResultingCommandExecutor | A resulting command executor for a BlockCommandSender |
CFeedbackForwardingResultingExecutionInfo | |
CNativeCommandExecutor | A normal command executor for a NativeProxyCommandSender |
CNativeExecutionInfo | |
CNativeResultingCommandExecutor | A resulting command executor for a NativeProxyCommandSender |
CNativeResultingExecutionInfo | |
CNormalExecutor | The interface for normal command executors |
CPlayerCommandExecutor | A normal command executor for a Player |
CPlayerExecutionInfo | |
CPlayerResultingCommandExecutor | A resulting command executor for a Player |
CPlayerResultingExecutionInfo | |
CProxyCommandExecutor | A normal command executor for a NativeProxyCommandSender |
CProxyExecutionInfo | |
CProxyResultingCommandExecutor | A resulting command executor for a NativeProxyCommandSender |
CProxyResultingExecutionInfo | |
CRemoteConsoleCommandExecutor | |
CRemoteConsoleExecutionInfo | |
CRemoteConsoleResultingCommandExecutor | |
CRemoteConsoleResultingExecutionInfo | |
CResultingCommandExecutionInfo | |
CResultingCommandExecutor | A resulting command executor for a CommandSender |
CResultingExecutor | The interface for resulting command executors |
CTypedExecutor | An interface that includes the type of an executor (what command senders it can execute) and has a method that executes an executor with a given command sender and arguments |
►Nnms | Classes that access the NMS framework |
CNMS | |
►Nwrappers | Classes that are wrappers for various vanilla-related command features |
CFloatRange | A class representing a range of floats |
CFunctionWrapper | A wrapper class for Minecraft 1.12's functions |
CIntegerRange | A class representing a range of integers |
CLocation2D | A class that represents a Location in the x and z directions |
CMathOperation | A representation of the math operations for the Minecraft scoreboard |
CNativeProxyCommandSender | A simple representation of Minecraft's CommandListenerWrapper, in the form of Bukkit's ProxiedCommandSender |
CPreview | |
CPreviewableFunction | |
CPreviewLegacy | |
CRotation | A class to represent the yaw and pitch rotation in degrees |
CScoreboardSlot | A representation of scoreboard display slots, as well as team colors for the sidebar |
CSimpleFunctionWrapper | A wrapper class for Minecraft 1.12's functions |
CTime | A class that represents time suggestions for the TimeArgument |
CAbstractArgumentTree | This is a base class for arguments, allowing them to behave as tree nodes in a AbstractCommandTree |
CAbstractCommandAPICommand | A builder used to create commands to be registered by the CommandAPI |
CAbstractCommandTree | This is the root node for creating a command as a tree |
CBrigadier | The Brigadier class is used to access some of the internals of the CommandAPI so you can use the CommandAPI alongside Mojang's com.mojang.brigadier package |
CBukkitExecutable | |
CBukkitStringTooltip | |
CBukkitTooltip | This class represents a suggestion for an argument with a hover tooltip text for that suggestion |
CChainableBuilder | |
CCommandAPI | Class to register commands with the 1.13 command UI |
CCommandAPIBukkit | |
CCommandAPIBukkitConfig | A class that contains information needed to configure the CommandAPI on Bukkit-based servers |
CCommandAPICommand | |
CCommandAPIConfig | A class to contain information about how to configure the CommandAPI during its loading step |
CCommandAPIExecutor | CommandAPIExecutor is the main executor implementation for command executors |
CCommandAPIHandler | The "brains" behind the CommandAPI |
CCommandAPILogger | |
CCommandAPIPlatform | |
CCommandPermission | A representation of permission nodes for commands |
CCommandRegistrationStrategy | |
CCommandTree | |
CConverter | 'Simple' conversion of Plugin commands |
CExecutableCommand | This is a base class for AbstractCommandAPICommand and AbstractCommandTree command definitions |
CExecution | A list of arguments which results in an execution |
CInternalBukkitConfig | Configuration wrapper class for Bukkit |
CInternalConfig | Configuration wrapper class |
CIStringTooltip | A string-based tooltip interface that includes a string suggestion and a formatted tooltip text to display when hovering over the suggestion |
CMojangMappedVersionHandler | This file handles loading the correct mappings information |
CPaperCommandRegistration | Handles logic for registering commands after Paper build 65, where https://github.com/PaperMC/Paper/pull/8235 changed a bunch of the behind-the-scenes logic |
CPaperImplementations | |
CPlatformExecutable | |
CSafeVarHandle | A wrapper around VarHandle with better type safety using generics and a toggleable underlying implementation depending on whether we're using mojang mappings or non-mojang mappings |
CSchedulers | |
CSpigotCommandRegistration | Handles logic for registering commands on Spigot and old versions of Paper |
CStringTooltip | Represents a suggestion for an argument with a hover tooltip text for that suggestion |
CTooltip | This class represents a suggestion for an argument with a hover tooltip text for that suggestion |