Command executors

Developer's Note:

This section can be a little bit difficult to follow. If you only want the bare basic features (executes a command), read the section below on Normal command executors - this behaves very similar to the onCommand method in Bukkit.

The CommandAPI provides two separate command executors which are lambdas which execute the code you want when a command is called. These are the classes CommandExecutor (Not to be confused with Bukkit's CommandExecutor class), which just runs the contents of a command, and ResultingCommandExecutor that returns an integral (whole number) result.

Developer's Note:

In general, you need not focus too much on what type of command executor to implement. If you know for certain that you're going to be using your command with command blocks, just ensure you return an integer at the end of your declared command executor. Java will infer the type (whether it's a CommandExecutor or ResultingCommandExecutor) automatically, so feel free to return an integer or not.

Normal command executors

Command executors are of the following format, where sender is a CommandSender, and args is an Object[], which represents arguments which are parsed by the CommandAPI.

(sender, args) -> {
  //Code here  

With normal command executors, these do not need to return anything. By default, this will return a success value of 1 if it runs successfully, and a success value of 0 if it runs unsuccessfully, either by throwing an exception (RuntimeException) or by forcing the command to fail.

Forcing commands to fail

Sometimes, you want your command to fail on purpose. This is basically the way to "gracefully" handle errors in your command execution. This is performed using the following method:"Error message goes here");

When the CommandAPI calls the fail method, it will cause the command to return a success value of 0, to indicate failure.

Example - Command failing for element not in a list

Say we have some list, List<String> containing a bunch of fruit and the player can choose from it. In order to do that, we can use a StringArgument and suggest it to the player using .overrideSuggestions(String[]). However, because this only lists suggestions to the player, it does not stop the player from entering an option that isn't on the list of suggestions.

Therefore, to gracefully handle this with a proper error message, we use with a meaningful error message which is displayed to the user.

//Array of fruit
List<String> fruit = new ArrayList<>();

//Argument accepting a String, suggested with the list of fruit
LinkedHashMap<String, Argument> arguments = new LinkedHashMap<>();
arguments.put("item", new StringArgument().overrideSuggestions(fruit.toArray(new String[fruit.size()])));

//Register the command
CommandAPI.getInstance().register("getfruit", arguments, (sender, args) -> {
    String inputFruit = (String) args[0];
    if(fruit.contains(inputFruit)) {
        //Do something with inputFruit
    } else {
        //The player's input is not in the list of fruit"That fruit doesn't exist!");

Developer's Note:

In general, it's a good idea to handle unexpected cases with the method. Most arguments used by the CommandAPI will have their own builtin failsafe system (e.g. the EntitySelectorArgument will not execute the command executor if it fails to find an entity), so this feature is for those extra cases.