Primitive arguments

Boolean arguments

The BooleanArgument class represents boolean values true and false.

Example - Config editing plugin

String[] configKeys = getConfig().getKeys(true).toArray(new String[getConfig().getKeys(true).size()]);

LinkedHashMap<String, Argument> arguments = new LinkedHashMap<>();
arguments.put("config-key", new TextArgument().overrideSuggestions(configKeys));
arguments.put("value", new BooleanArgument());

CommandAPI.getInstance().register("editconfig", arguments, (sender, args) -> {
    getConfig().set((String) args[0], (boolean) args[1]);

Numerical arguments

Numbers are represented using the designated number classes:

Class Description
IntegerArgument Whole numbers
DoubleArgument Double precision floating point numbers
FloatArgument Single precision floating point numbers

Each numerical argument can have ranges applied to them, which restricts the user to only entering numbers from within a certain range. This is done using the constructor, and the range specified:

Constructor Description
new IntegerArgument() Any range
new IntegerArgument(2) Values greater than or equal to 2
new IntegerArgument(2, 10) Values greater than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to 10

Each range is inclusive, so it includes the number given to it.